
Author: Flywheel

Craig Simon, Ph.D. -- Dania Beach, Florida -- @gitis

Rank Them All

Note from April 8, 2015. I spent several days with SurveyMonkey before discovering and falling in awe wwih SurveyGizmo. Unfortunately, Gizmo doesn’t have Monekey’s very nice question element styling feature, which I was using to put candidate pictures in the sortable list object. But so many other features are so good, the scales tip heavily.…

More Twitter Traction Metrics

During the process of collecting Twitter metrics on the candidates, I started adding in comparisons of several voter-oriented online groups. It’s intriguing to see which folks put a lot of effort into tweeting, despite having relatively small numbers of followers. That’s why the traction metric is useful. Going for volume without enough traction risks wheel spinning.

Iowa Straw Poll in Play

The Iowa Straw Poll has been a showcase of GOP politics since 1979, taking place mid-summer before a Presidential election, but only in cycles when no Republican incumbent would be seeking a second term. George H.W. Bush took the first one, followed by Pat Robertson in 1987. Bob Dole and Phil Gramm tied in 1995.…

Twitter Primary Prelims

This list of prospective major-party candidates for the 2016 Presidential race includes Barack Obama and Mitt Romney for comparative purposes. Some have already made public announcements of “exploratory” activity. Many have traveled to Iowa and New Hampshire, and committed lots of time to fundraising. Others are the subject of active speculation by journalists or energetic draft movements.…

Visualizing the Money Primary

The New York Times (via @UpshotNY) has an article with some charts comparing the ideological underpinnings of the 2012 and 2016 Democratic and Republican fields. It’s largely a speculation about how much latitude candidates have if  they want to jockey between left and right. Hillary Clinton’s prospects get featured attention. The analysis hinges on a scoring formula tabulated by CrowdPac which makes a…

Comparing Twitter Feed Clients

I’m playing with Twitter Feed and Twitter Ultimate. Ultimate looked good in preview, but it involves quite a few steps, and didn’t work on the first try. [scrollingtweets scroll_time=”7″ skin=”default” resource=”search” user=”@gitis” list=”” query=”#2016elections” count=”100″/]